Instrument Rating IFR
Lets talk about the next stage in your training!!
This applies to private privileges (friends and family) in good weather and poor weatherPrivate Pilot or Commercial Pilot Certificate RequiredAllows you to fly in various weather conditions (low visibility, clouds, etc.)
Course OverviewReview - brush up on private pilot skills prior to learning a new type of flyingGround Training - around 20 hours of ground time learning new concepts, procedures, rules, charts, etc. associated with instrument vs visual flyingSimulator Training - practice your newly-learned procedures and knowledge on the ground before even getting into the planeFAA Written Exam - multiple-choice, computer-based knowledge testFlight Training - finally time to apply everything you’ve learned up until this point - this combines everything in your private pilot training with your new instrument flying skillsFAA Oral and Practical Exam - ground knowledge and flight skills test in the plane with an FAA examinerApproximate Cost & TimelineApproximate Timeline: 4-6 months